Arrangement # 112
In ten minutes can you disappear and come back with a composition?
Well this afternoon I took that challenge. With the decisive secateur in hand and a mind that said "Yes, Can Do" I dashed into the garden outside. A nice bunch of plumeria blooms ( plumeria obtusa) and interchangeably referred to as the Great Frangipani became my first target. Quickly I remembered the many banana bracts around and thought one would do fine . To add just another sexy or sassy touch for that matter, a stalk of the heliconia 'sassy pink 'joins the merry party ( For me at least). That's it composition done. I've come back in ten miuntes as promised.
The title.......Sassy Fragrance.
In Malaysia, remember not to present a dear friend with the Great Frangipani flower inspite of its marvellous fragrance and subtle qualities. The Malays call it 'Bunga Kemboja' and is grown mainly at temples, mosques or graveyard sites. Its connection to the metaphysics and spiritual world is most acknowledged. Lest your friend misinterpret your message, your gift of meaningful perfume might mean your desire for him or her to vaporise earlier than sooner to the spiritual world.